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Monthly client data report: July 2024

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This latest report provides insight into the demographic and debt information of new clients who first received debt advice in July 2024. It also includes the latest insights on our website traffic trends.

Our key findings from July 2024:

  • The number of clients completing full debt advice has increased by six percent from 12,467 in June 2024 to 13,174 in July 2024
  • In July 2024, the emergency funding webpage remains as the most viewed debt information page with 19,560 views, which is seven percent higher than the previous calendar month (June 2024 = 18,280)
  • Just under seven in ten (68%) clients have credit card debt in July 2024, which is one percentage point higher than June 2024 (67%)
  • The proportion of clients in full-time employment seeking debt advice has increased by one percent between June (43%) and July 2024 and now stands at 44% – levels which were last seen in December 2023

Take a look at the full report to find out more

This is the latest report in our series detailing monthly client data.