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Setting up and managing a DPP

This solution is only available in Scotland.

A debt payment programme (DPP) is a debt solution available under the Debt Arrangement Scheme (DAS) for people based in Scotland. A DPP can help you to repay your debts at a rate that’s affordable to you.

If you’ve had a debt advice session with us and we’ve recommended a DPP through the Debt Arrangement Scheme, it’s because we believe it’s the best solution for your debt problem. Here you’ll find answers to questions you may have and other information that can make things easier during your DPP.

On this page you'll find...

A timeline that tells you what you can expect over the course of your DPP, from how to deal with creditor contact to when you’ll need to review your budget with us.

A step-by-step guide on the information we need you to provide us so we can process your DPP as soon as possible.


Don't forget...

If you need any help setting up your DPP or advice during your programme, including changes in your income, creditor support and annual reviews you can contact our Scotland team on 0800 652 7491.


How to set up your DPP

To ensure your DPP is set up as quickly as possible please send all of this information to us in one go.

1. Proof of your income. This should be your most recent three months wage slips, or 13 consecutive pay slips if you’re paid weekly and they need to match the amount you said to us during your debt advice session. If it doesn’t, make sure you include a note to tell us why.

If you're receiving benefits we'll also need proof of these (including child benefit). This proof can be your most recent award letter if you received this in the last three months, or bank statements to show the amount, type and frequency of payments.

2. A recent statement or letter from each of your creditors. This should show your account details, balance and the creditor’s postal address. If possible this should be dated within the last month.

3. Your signed DPP declaration and DPP mandate. Without this we can’t contact your creditors.

4. The Direct Debit mandate, must be complete so we can put your payment in place.

5. Proof of your essential expenditure. These are things such as:

• Rent, mortgage payments and/or secured loans

• Mortgage endowment, mortgage PPI payments and/or building and contents insurance

• Council tax

• Gas, electricity and/or other utilities such as coal or oil

• Pension payments

• Life insurance

• Any fines, maintenance or child support

• Hire Purchase (HP) or goods on a conditional sale agreement

• Child care costs and adult care costs.

If these things are paid by Direct Debit or standing order from your bank account, a copy of your most recent full month bank statement is sufficient.  Alternatively, receipts will be required, or a copy of any agreement or document showing the amounts and frequency of payments.

We’ll also require evidence of any other household costs that we discussed during your debt advice session.

You can post any supporting documents to:

Plan Activations, StepChange Debt Charity, 2nd Floor, Finlay House, 10-14 West Nile Street, Glasgow, G1 2PP

If you post your information to us, please ensure that you get proof of postage from your local post office and that the correct postage is paid. Incorrect postage may delay your information being received, and delay the set-up of your DPP.

Alternatively, you can scan all of the information and email it to us. If you do this don't forget to include your name and client reference number in the email the scans are attached to.

The weeks after your debt advice session

Provided we’ve received all the information we need we'll submit your application online on your behalf.  We’ll contact you in writing to let you know this has been done and to tell you the next steps. 

It’s very important that you read this letter as it’ll confirm how much you will need to pay each month to your DPP. It will also give you information on the next stages of the process.

Your application will be submitted on the eDEN Portal. This is a system that the Accountant in Bankruptcy (AiB) uses to process and monitor DPPs. We’ll then contact all your creditors and ask for confirmation of the total amount you owe them and let them know you’re applying for a DPP.  

Once we’ve got information for all your debts we’ll issue DPP proposals to each of your creditors. They then have three weeks to agree to the proposal.

• If all the creditors agree your application will be accepted and we'll write to you to confirm this

• If any of the creditors object to your application then it’ll be submitted to the DAS Administrator (this is the AiB) for a 'fair and reasonable' test. They’ll have the final decision on whether or not to approve your DPP. If your application isn’t approved we’ll contact you and discuss other solutions to help

If your application is approved your payment distributor will also contact you and you’ll have 42 days to make your first payment. They are responsible for collecting your payments and sending them out to the people you owe.

If any of your creditors contact you before your DPP’s approved just let them know your plan is being set up and we’ll be in touch with them soon. 

What's likely to happen during your DPP

  • Day 1 - Your plan is active

    We’ve sent all of your creditors a letter telling them how much they’ll get paid. From time to time, creditors may still contact you as it can take them a while to process this information.

  • Month 1 - Your first payment

    You’ve made a payment to your payments distributor but you’re still receiving letters, emails and phone calls from your creditors. Bear with it, it’ll get easier.
  • Month 3 - Peace and quiet

    Now you’ve been paying for a few months. The phone calls should have started to reduce as your creditors have received a few payments.
  • Month 4 - Interest and charges

    Some creditors may add interest and charges to your debts. Don’t worry. As long as you complete your DPP these will be written off once your final payment is made.
  • Month 5 - Default notices

    If you receive any default notices after your DPP is approved you need to let us know so we can contact your creditor and remind them about your DPP.
  • Month 8 - Are you being contacted by collection agencies?

    If any of your debts are passed to a debt collection agency you need to send us the letter and notice of assignment (this is the formal notice that the debts been transferred). We’ll sort it out.
  • 1 year in - Your annual review

    You’ve reached your first full year on your DPP. Congratulations! We’ll need to review your DPP at least once a year. We’ll contact you to arrange this.

Debt happens. We deal with it.

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Stress free

"After getting advice from StepChange, my whole life changed and I'm now stress free."

Bill, Perthshire

"Getting debt help sooner would've taken a lot of pressure off me, and cut down the amount of stress I was under."

Sandra, Lanarkshire

Want to know more about your DPP?

You can find more detailed information on your DPP, as well as other useful information, by following the links below.