We aim to make our website as accessible as possible. However if you use a screen reader and require debt advice you may find it easier to phone us instead. Our phone number is 0 8 0 0 1 3 8 1 1 1 1. Freephone (including all mobiles).
Family walking the school run together

We help you take back control of your finances and your life

Making a difference

Hundreds of thousands of people come to us for help every year. Some are at crisis point and many don't see a way out. We help them to find a way out of their debt problems.

We help people to make sense of their finances. We don't judge people, we just provide the support, guidance, flexibility and solutions that are needed to deal with debt. Whatever the situation we'll look for practical solutions that make our clients' lives better.

We hear from clients about the difference our advice makes every day. Many clients have their first good night's sleep in months after they've been in touch with us.

Here are some stories from our clients and colleagues about what our work means to them.

People we've helped

Daisy, East Anglia

“If I'd contacted you earlier, years of worry and stress could've been prevented.”

Andrew, Tyne and Wear

"If I had known about StepChange sooner, it would've changed my life."

Salim, Northamptonshire

"I feel like a load of pressure has been taken off my shoulders."

Sandra, Shropshire

"If I had called earlier for advice I would have realised just how much help I could get."

Sarah, Cheshire

"Contacting you sooner would've saved a lot of sleepless nights and stopped me from getting deeper into debt."

Jeanette, Notts.

"The lady on the phone was so lovely and kind. I dont need to worry anymore."

The people here to help

Patience, Digital Support

Patience, Digital Support

"I love being part of a team that really makes a difference to our clients' lives."

Shirley, Advice Plus

Shirley, Advice Plus

"Hearing the relief in clients' voices makes it all worth while."

Peter, Financial Solutions Advisor

Peter, Financial Solutions

"It's fast-paced, but I get the time to really help the people I speak to."

Be a part of something great

Think you've got what it takes to help us create a society free from problem debt? Take a look at our latest job vacancies, or find out what it's like to work with us direct from members of our team!

Jobs & careers

Debt happens. Let's deal with it.

Debt gets treated like a dirty word.

But what if together we clear up the stigma?

What if we stop avoiding the subject and shine a light on what it's really like?

Debt's a part of life, pretending it doesn't exist, won't make it disappear.

But admitting when it's a problem is a step in the right direction.

We know because we've been here for thirty years and we'll continue to be.

StepChange is a not-for-profit independent charity.

Putting people first is what we do.

So we offer free, and impartial advice for anyone worried about debt.

No matter who you are or how you're feeling, we can help you take action.

Debt happens. Let's deal with it.

Visit stepchange.org

Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

What we do

Find out about how our advice can help you take control of your finances and your life.

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