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How to get the best out of your DMP

This section has lots of answers to questions that may come up while you are on your debt management plan (DMP).

On this page, you will find:

  • relationship icon
    Answers to the questions our debt management plan clients ask us most often

  • clock iconAn order of events that tells you what you can expect over the course of your DMP. Find out what to do if the people you owe money to (known as creditors) contact you, and when you will need to review your plan

Manage your DMP online

Day or night, you can make changes to your plan anytime.

Log in to OnlineDMP

Don't forget:

  • cog iconYou can log into OnlineDMP at any time. From there you can update your creditor details, review your DMP and view your six most recent statements
  • telephone iconYou can call us if you need help with a big budget change, making payments or a crisis. You can also send an email 
small stack of coins

How can I pay my DMP?

The easiest way to pay your DMP is by Direct Debit. You can also pay by standing order and bank transfer.

Not sure how we have worked out your repayments?

We put together your household budget, looking at how much you need to spend each month on living costs, as well as your contractual payment figures. We then work out how much is left over after this each month.

Find out more about how we work this out

What to expect during your DMP

  • Day 1 - Your plan is active

    You will choose whether to pay your plan by Direct Debit or standing order. If you choose standing order, the payment date may change every month. Make sure you know what date we need each month's DMP payment.
  • Week 1 - Talking to your creditors

    We have sent all the people you owe money to a DMP proposal. This tells them how much they will get paid. It can take them some time to update your accounts so they may still contact you.
  • Week 2 - Hello from us

    Check your inbox because we will send you your first monthly DMP client news round-up. It will be packed with useful tips for making your DMP a success.
  • Month 1 - Your first payment

    You have made your first DMP payment but you may still be getting letters and phone calls. Don't worry, things should settle down as your payments go out each month. Bear with it, it will get easier.
  • Month 3 - Peace and quiet

    The phone calls should be dying down now your creditors have had a few payments. This is a good time to log back into OnlineDMP and update your details.
  • Month 4 - Interest and charges

    Some creditors may still be adding interest and charges to your debts. We know this can be the last thing you want but keep paying your DMP. As your debt moves through the collections process it is likely that interest and charges will stop.
  • Month 5 - Default notices

    You may have received default notices from your creditors. These will stay on your credit file for six years but are a normal part of having a DMP. Just carry on as you are.
  • Month 6 - Creditor updates

    Some creditors may contact you to see if your circumstances have changed. If nothing has, send us an email through OnlineDMP. We will send them a copy of your budget.
  • Month 8 - Debt swapping

    If a debt collection agency has taken over a debt, log into OnlineDMP and give us their details. We will contact them and start sending them payments.
  • Months 10 and 11 - Your budget

    Now things have hopefully settled down, start to track your spending. This will really help you when your review is due. You will have a better idea of what areas you might need to tweak.
  • 1 year in - Your annual review

    You have reached your first full year on your DMP. Congratulations! We will need to review your DMP at least once a year. Just log into OnlineDMP to get your review started.

Common DMP questions our clients ask

Direct Debit is the easiest way to pay your DMP. Just log in to OnlineDMP and you can set your Direct Debit up in minutes. Make sure you have your account details to hand.

You can also pay your DMP by standing order and bank transfer.

No DMP provider can promise the interest and charges will stop. In practice though, most companies understand that adding more interest or charges can only make things worse.

First, gather together as many details about your finances as you can. Such as:

  • Your income
  • Spending
  • Debts and any arrears you have due to missed or late payments

You should also gather details of:

  • Assets
  • Finance agreements
  • Property value
  • Mortgage or hire purchase balances that you still need to pay off

You can review your plan over the phone or online.

Read our guide to making a budget

As set out in your DMP agreement if you do not review your plan at least once a year we may have to close it. This is the case whether you have had a change in circumstances or not. You can complete your plan review online at a time that suits you.

We have to rely on you to update your balances at least once a year. Ask your creditors for recent statements. You can then update them online or by calling us.

We work what you have left over as 'surplus income' once all of your living costs are covered.

We also take the contractual payments on your debts into account when working out how much you pay towards your DMP each month.

You should phone us so we can talk about your options. It is really important you let us know as soon as possible if you are finding it difficult to keep up to date with DMP payments.

You can greatly increase the chance of your DMP being a success by:

  • Understanding your budget
  • Looking at ways to save money
  • Making us aware of any changes in your circumstances

It is still possible for a creditor to make you bankrupt, but only if you owe them over £5,000 (or £3,000 in Scotland). They will have to pay for the costs of applying for your bankruptcy. This can be quite a lot of money.

As you are on a DMP, you are already paying as much as you can. Your creditors know they are unlikely to raise any more money by making you bankrupt.

The creditor must send you a formal demand for the money to start this process. If you get something like this, call us straight away and we will advise you what to do.

woman outside shopping centre

Katie, Tyne and Wear

“Contacting you earlier would've made life a lot less stressful and prevented a lot of sleepless nights.”

woman in garden

Jeanette, Nottinghamshire

"The lady on the phone was so lovely and kind. I dont need to worry anymore."

Want to know more about your DMP? 

There are lots of great articles on our website that can help you get the best out of your DMP. They include: