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The content on this page applies to bankruptcy available in England and Wales only.

Going ahead with bankruptcy

Find out what you need to do next

You have made a great start by contacting us about your situation. We think it is really important you fully understand your options. So, take time to read all the information before you go ahead. Contact us if you need more help.

To access your personal action plan and find out more about how to go ahead with your solution, log in here

Changes to debt relief orders: Find out how that could affect you

This is another form of insolvency. From 28 June, in England and Wales, people may be able to apply for a DRO:

  •  With a debt amount of £50,000 or under. The current limit is £30,000
  • If they own a vehicle worth £4,000 or under. The current limit is £2,000

What this means for you if you have had advice and been recommended bankruptcy

The advice we gave you is still right for your situation. However, a DRO may also be available to you after 28 June.

If you want to see if a DRO will be a better option for you than bankruptcy after the changes, please: 

  • Log on to your account after 28 June and complete another debt advice session. Remember to wait until 28 June if you decide to do this. This also gives you the chance to check your information and update your online account if anything has changed since you first got debt advice
  • Stop your bankruptcy application and any payments to the fee until you have decided which solution is right for you
  • Find a way to deal with your creditors in the meantime, such as Breathing Space or forbearance. There is more information about these options in your personal action plan

Bankruptcy may still be the option you decide to go ahead with, and your advice may not change. We cannot guarantee a DRO will be available to you after the changes take place.

For more information about DROs, please visit read our guide.

What if I have started my bankruptcy application?

If you don’t want to see if a DRO is now right for you, you don’t need to do anything. You can ignore this email and carry on with your bankruptcy application.

If you have started your application and not paid your full fee, you can still wait until 28 June and check if bankruptcy is still right for you.

Just log into your online account and complete another advice session. If, after 28 June, a DRO is now the option you want to go ahead with, you can cancel your bankruptcy application. Any money you have paid to the fee will be refunded to you.

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Submit your application online

Go to www.gov.uk/bankruptcy and follow the instructions to fill out your application. You will need to create an account. You can log in as many times as you need to.

You have to put down your income, spending and debts. This will include:

  • Wage slips
  • Benefits or pension statements
  • Bills. Like electricity, credit card and council tax
  • Letters from a bailiff or enforcement agent

Pay your bankruptcy costs

There is a fee of £680. This is made up of a £130 application fee and a £550 bankruptcy deposit.

You can only submit your application once the fee is paid in full.

  • Pay online: If you pay online you can choose to pay by instalments. This means you do not have to pay it in one go. The lowest payment is £5.
  • Pay by cash: You can pay at any branch of Royal Bank of Scotland. If you pay in cash, you cannot pay by instalments. You will have to pay it all in one go.

Help paying your costs

If you are finding it hard to pay the costs, you could:

  • Stop paying your creditors and use this money to pay the costs
  • Ask friends or family if they can help
  • Apply for a grant. Turn2us is a national charity that can help you find grants or trust funds. Find out more on the Turn2us website

Tell the people you owe money to that you are getting our help

Contact your creditors, give them your StepChange client reference number and tell them you are getting help from us.

They will usually stop their debt collection process while you think about your options.

It is quickest to give them a call. But if you prefer, you can email them or send a letter. There is a template letter in the 'Your next steps' section of your personal action plan to help you do this.

Wait to hear about your application

An ‘adjudicator’ will review your application. This is someone who looks over everything and decides whether to make you bankrupt.

They will get in touch with you within 28 days to let you know. They will tell you what happens next and what to do if your application has not been accepted.

If you application is not accepted, get in touch with us again for further help.


To access your personal action plan and find out more about how to go ahead with your solution, log in here