We aim to make our website as accessible as possible. However if you use a screen reader and require debt advice you may find it easier to phone us instead. Our phone number is 0 8 0 0 1 3 8 1 1 1 1. Freephone (including all mobiles).
StepChange colleague smiling at the camera

Choosing what to do next

Find out more about how your recommended solution works

You might not be sure about whether to go ahead with the solution we have recommended. To put your mind at ease, we can tell you how different debt solutions work and how they can affect you.

Log in here to choose your solution and receive your personal action plan.

Click on the link below to find out more.


How we help our clients

Brian, Nottinghamshire, said: "I got in touch with StepChange, and within weeks things were starting to get sorted."

Questions our clients often ask us

We will tell you about the debt solutions available to you.

If you can afford to repay your debt within 10 years, we will usually recommend a solution where you repay your debts. If you cannot, we will usually recommend a solution that will write off some or all your debt.

We will support you with any debt solution if it meets your needs. But choose the solution you feel is best for you.

We based our recommendations on what you have told us. This includes letting us know if your circumstances may change soon.

You can log in to check all these details are correct and make any changes if you need to.

When you have updated this info, we will refresh our advice.

If all your details are correct, but you still don't think our recommendations are right for you, please be reassured that we have taken care to advise you appropriately.

If we have recommended an insolvency solution: We understand this is not a step to take lightly. But for many people this can be the best way to have fresh start.

If we have recommended a solution where you repay your debts when you wanted to write them off: We have done this because you can afford it. We have based this on the budget we worked out with you.

We may also include information in your personal action plan on other solutions that are available to you.

Breathing Space is a government scheme which could help relieve some of the pressure and stress caused by being in debt.

If you can apply for Breathing Space, we will guide you through the application process. Online or over the phone.

Find out more about Breathing Space.

We’re sorry to hear this. Please read our guide which explains how to deal with any issues you might be having.

Log in here to choose your solution and receive your personal action plan.