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Debt in the UK
StepChange in Parliament
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Working with ministers across devolved states to advocate for society's financially vulnerable.
We have helped over
7.5 million
people since 1993
We work with the All Party Parliamentary Group on Debt and Personal Finance, and provide briefings and resources to MPs.
Alongside seven debt advice, money and research sector partners, StepChange wrote to Florence Eshalomi MP – the Chair of the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee – on 2 December 2024, to raise the urgent case for council tax reform.
This coalition of organisations are working together to campaign on this issue, to urge central government to lead the change required to bring about fairer and more supportive council tax collection practices.
You can read more about StepChange’s evidence on our clients’ experiences of the council tax debt collection journey here.
Read the letter here
We provide the Secretariat for the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Debt and Personal Finance, which brings together MPs, peers and stakeholders to discuss, debate and campaign on issues affecting household debt and family finances. There are over 30 members of the group, from both Houses of Parliament and across the political spectrum.
Learn more about our work with parliaments
It’s been a difficult few years for household finances. Rising living costs, the pandemic and a housing emergency have resulted in over a quarter of UK adults struggling to cope financially. We’re calling for the new Government to place financial security at the heart of its legislative agenda over the next parliamentary session.
Our policy asks
One in three StepChange clients responsible for paying council tax are in arrears – over 40,000 people, among many more behind on council tax nationally. Those behind on this bill face complex circumstances and enduring cost of living challenges – yet instead of offering compassion and help to people who need it, the current system is making things worse. Our new policy report, ‘Looking through the keyhole’, calls on the new Government to reform the current council tax collection approach and improve outcomes for those who struggle with this bill.
Our priority policy asks
See more of our campaigns
StepChange response to Ofgem Call for Input - May 2024
StepChange response to Enforcement Conduct Board Draft Business Plan 2024/25 - April 2024
StepChange response to the Money and Pensions Service consultation - April 2024
Browse all our responses
Our blog highlights the trends our team sees, and uses in-depth data, research and insights to suggest ways to improve the lives of society's financially vulnerable.
Visit the Medium blog for more
Our press office can comment, arrange briefings or interviews with experts, and help facilitate case study requests with clients who are willing to share their experience in the media.
Visit the Media Centre
Our client data and research over the last decade highlights debt trends in the UK. These insights into the causes and consequences of problem debt inform our campaign and policy work.
Read our research