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House of Commons

Supporting people in problem debt: Priorities for the new Government

We have identified six priorities for the new Government to take forward in its agenda to help the most financially vulnerable in the UK.

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It’s been a difficult few years for household finances. Rising living costs, the pandemic and a housing emergency have resulted in over a quarter of UK adults struggling to cope financially. We’re calling for the new Government to place financial security at the heart of its legislative agenda over the next parliamentary session.

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Modernise council tax debt collection

Support better outcomes for people struggling with financial difficulty

Introduce a statutory regulator for bailiffs

Improve standards and protect vulnerable people from harm

Establish a Tenancy Support Duty

Support struggling renters and prevent housing insecurity and problem debt

Address drivers of debt in new child poverty strategy

Have strategies to help families struggling to make ends meet

Develop a new financial inclusion strategy

Boost rainy day savings and expand access to affordable credit

Support the debt advice sector to help more people

Commit to a long-term strategy and reform personal insolvency

Read our key policy asks in full

StepChange’s policy priorities document breaks down the need and impact of each of our asks in detail.

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Contact us

Get in touch with our public affairs team.

 Sophie Morris - sophie.morris@stepchange.org

 Peter Tutton - peter.tutton@stepchange.org