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The board of trustees

About the Board of Trustees

Our Board of Trustees governs StepChange and is ultimately accountable for everything the charity does, although most of the day-to-day activity is carried out by the charity’s colleagues.

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Led by Lesley Titcomb CBE, the charity currently has 10 trustees.

As the legal directors of the organisation, our trustees act collectively, bringing together a wide range of individual skills and experience, to help further our charitable purposes.

The Board of Trustees is a dynamic and inclusive group, creating a space that welcomes diverse perspectives, with a real passion and commitment to driving the charity’s mission.

Short biographies for our trustees are available here.

All new trustees receive a full induction to help familiarise themselves with StepChange and its purpose, its wider context, and to identify the role and responsibilities of a trustee. Ongoing training and development is provided to all trustees.

The Board of Trustees also has two committees that support its work

Trustees are normally invited to join one of these:

  • Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee
  • Nomination and Remuneration Committee
StepChange client standing in her kitchen

Are you ready to apply to be a Trustee?

Find out more about the role and responsibilities and how to apply.