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What to do if you are harassed by creditors

The people you owe are allowed to contact you about debts. But they must treat you fairly and act legally.

They can contact you by:

  • Letter
  • Phone call or
  • Home visit

Make a complaint if:

  • They do not treat your fairly
  • They act outside the law

Examples of possible harassment from creditors

The people you owe may try to contact you in several ways. But there are some things they cannot do because:

  • They are against industry rules
  • They go against codes of practice
  • They are against the law

The people you owe cannot:

  • Call you at unreasonable times of the day or night
  • Call you at work without permission, or after you tell them to stop
  • Discuss your debts with a family member or employer
  • Take payments without your permission
  • Refuse to deal with advice organisations like us
  • Pressure you to pay off a debt by borrowing more money
  • Use legal or technical language to confuse you
  • Send letters that look like court forms
  • Refuse to give you information about your account when you ask for it
  • Pretend to have legal powers
  • Add charges that are higher than the actual costs of collecting debt
  • Contact you for payment when the debt is being disputed
  • Demand payment when a debt is statute barred or extinguished – meaning the law says they are out of time to chase the debt
  • Lend money without a credit licence
  • This is illegal
  • Read more about loan sharks here

Keep a detailed record if you are experiencing any of these actions. Keep a log of phone calls and hold onto letters.

This helps if you need to make a complaint.

Need to complain about a bailiff?

Complain directly to a bailiff (or enforcement agent) if they are:

  • Treating you unfairly or
  • Harassing you

You can also complain to the creditor they work for.

Take your complaint to the governing body if they do not resolve it.

Find out more about bailiff complaints

Worried about creditors?

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Get expert debt help if you are getting lots of contact from debt collectors.

Use our online debt advice tool to see what your options are.

We can explain your rights and help you take action.