You can use a lump sum of money to pay back the people you owe. This is either a ‘full balance’ or 'partial’ settlement depending on how much you can pay back.
You might be able to use a lump sum from:
- Selling an asset, like property or a vehicle
- Getting an inheritance
- A gift from family or friends
Get debt advice to find out if a settlement is right for you.
We can help you settle your debts
Our team will take the stress and strain away for you:
- We deal with the people you owe:
So you do not have to have difficult conversations
- We make fair payment proposal your creditors will agree to:
We have built up strong relationships with creditors over the years
- Manage your payments for you:
You just make one payment to us and we sort out the rest
- You do not pay a fee for this service:
All your money goes towards clearing your debt
- We base our offer on your needs:
We will not make you pay more than you can afford
Find out more about our free settlements service
What is a partial settlement?
A partial settlement is when you have some money, but not all you owe.
This means:
What is a full balance settlement?
A full balance settlement is when you have enough money to clear your outstanding balance.
This means:
- You pay a lump sum
- The sum is big enough to repay your debts in full
- The debts are marked on your credit file as ‘satisfied’