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Can I avoid my debts?

You may wonder if you can avoid paying debts. Would the people you owe give up and stop chasing you?

We do not recommend you try this. In most cases, it will make things worse.

Can the people I owe find me if I ignore them?

The people you owe can use your credit file to find you.

Credit reference agencies (CRAs) hold details about you that make it hard to avoid debts.

Your credit file tracks how you use:

  • Loans
  • Credit cards
  • Bank accounts
  • Mobile phone contracts
  • Car insurance (when paid in monthly instalments)
  • Some utility companies

You would have to stop using any and all of these products to avoid your debts. This is not realistic.

These all share up to date details about you with CRAs, including:

  • The address they have on file
  • Previous addresses you have used
  • Different names you have had

Moving house or using a different name cannot help you avoid debts.

The people you owe can also employ specialist tracing agents to find you.

Some debt collection agencies offer this service.

What if I move abroad?

Moving to another country makes it harder for the people you owe to find you. But it does not stop them trying.

  • Some companies have branches in other countries
  • Some large debt collection agencies (DCAs) trade in other countries
  • They can transfer court proceedings to other European countries
  • They can make you bankrupt in your absence
  • The bankruptcy may affect assets you have in that country

Take steps to deal with your debts from abroad.

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Websites that claim to help you avoid debt

Some websites claim to offer ways to avoid paying your debts.

  • They might suggest you send a series of three letters to stop the people you owe from taking any action
  • Some of these websites use legal-sounding language and a convincing explanation to make their ‘solution’ look attractive

Contact us for free debt help if you are tempted to try any of these false solutions. We give you honest facts.

We have not seen any of these solutions work. Most will make your situation harder to deal with in the long run and could end up costing you more money.

If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

What can I do about my debts?

It is common to feel overwhelmed by debts. You might feel like there is nothing you can do, but we can help.

Use our online debt advice tool to get started.