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Our 2023 Impact Report

Showcasing the progress we made in 2023 on delivering our strategic objectives and demonstrating the real value we provide to our clients and partners.

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2023 was another tumultuous year as the cost of living crisis continued to affect households across the country and push more people into financial difficulty.

This meant that the number of people we took through debt advice rose by 10%, the second year in a row where demand for our services has increased.

We also saw some significant changes in the profile of the clients we support, with a 10% rise in the average income of the people we support, and an increasing proportion of mortgage holders completing debt advice.

Despite the increasing demand for our support, and the increasing complexity of the circumstances of the clients we helped, we met these challenges and continued to deliver for our clients and our partners.

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Our Chief Executive Officer Vikki Brownridge gave her thoughts on the launch of the 2023 Impact Report.

CEO StepChange - Impact Report Title

Some of our highlights from 2023 included:

183,403 clients
completed full debt advice (+10% vs 2022)

£351 million
of debt repaid by clients with our support

36 new funding partnerships

17,456 clients became free from problem debt

Over 20 reports and consultations, lobbying for better consumer support

42,503 new clients
supported to start a managed debt solution

"Amid a challenging backdrop, I’m incredibly proud of how my colleagues have stood up and continued to deliver for our clients. Our 2023 Impact Report demonstrates the value they continue to deliver for our clients and partners as we continue to help create a society free from problem debt."

Vikki Brownridge, Chief Executive Officer 

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Annual Report and Accounts 2023

To understand how we work and our financial performance in 2023, read our full Annual Report and Accounts.

Download the report