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Celebrating Debt Awarness Week 2024. Thank you for your support

Celebrating 10 years of Debt Awareness Week 

Debt Awareness Week 2024 

For 10 years, our annual campaign Debt Awareness Week has shone a spotlight on the experiences of people dealing with problem debt and put the free and impartial advice we offer on the agenda. With the support of our partners, we’ve reached millions of people and helped them tackle their debt. 

Celebrating the campaign’s 10th anniversary, the focus of Debt Awareness Week 2024 was to break down the barriers that our clients tell us prevented or delayed them from reaching out for help with their debts.  

Our 2024 campaign results 

This year's campaign was a tremendous success, and we couldn't have achieved it without the support of more than 450 organisations who downloaded our toolkit, shared our content, and posted using the hashtag. 

With the support of our partner organisations we: 

  • Achieved 13.4 million social impressions 
  • Had over 140,000 visits to our website
  • Featured in 2,896 pieces of content across social media 
  • Delivered more than 20 on-site awareness sessions to hundreds of our partners’ colleagues 
  • Gained 292 individual pieces of coverage in the media  

Thank you to everyone who supported our campaign and helped us to raise awareness of the help and support available for those in financial difficulty.

Support our work

While Debt Awareness Week 2024 was highly successful, unfortunately we know that many people still don’t know where to turn for help, particularly if they have never struggled with their finances before. Over half our clients say that they waited over a year before coming to StepChange*. This delay can have devastating impacts on their financial and mental wellbeing. The support of our partners makes a huge difference in reaching and enabling us to help as many people as possible.

If you’d like to find out how your organisation can support our future campaigns or how we can support your customers, contact our team at partnerships@stepchange.org.

To register your interest in supporting Debt Awareness Week 2025, please leave your details here.

*Survey of 2744 Stepchange clients – Aug 2022