StepChange Debt Charity is the UK's leading debt advice charity. Not only do we offer the most comprehensive range of free, flexible advice, support and solutions of any provider in the UK, but we also have a wide range of information resources and additional services.
Early intervention services
Persistent debt is when a person has paid more in interest, fees and charges than they have towards paying off their credit card, store card, or catalogue account balance for more than 18 months.
When only the minimum payments are made, typically they’ll likely stay in persistent debt because more of the payment is going towards the interest and charges than reducing the balance. If they pay more than the minimum payment, they’ll reduce their balance quicker because more of the repayment is going towards the balance.
We can help your customers review their budget to see if they can pay more to help reduce their balance with the aim of getting their account out of persistent debt. We’ll work with your customer to create a budget and identify how much they may be able to afford to repay.
Debt self-help tools and diagnosis
From our research, we know that it can take up to 12 months for people struggling with problem debt to get debt advice. To maximise engagement at the earliest stage, we provide a triage tool for your customers that helps them understand what level of support they might need, and if they’re in problem debt. The triage tool asks your customers a series of questions to help us understand their current financial situation and identify which service is likely to be appropriate for them using the information collected.
By doing this, we can provide clients with a range of tailored support services, at any stage of financial concern.
Our triage tool provides your customers with a customised journey and creates an emotional connection to know they aren’t alone, and that we’re here to support and provide guidance to help them take control of their situations.
Client services
Employee financial wellbeing