We aim to make our website as accessible as possible. However if you use a screen reader and require debt advice you may find it easier to phone us instead. Our phone number is 0 8 0 0 1 3 8 1 1 1 1. Freephone (including all mobiles).
man and two women smiling in a meeting at work

Join the conversation

Share your story to help other people in debt.

We helped someone

every 3 minutes

in 2023

Use your experience of debt to raise awareness, campaign for change, and encourage others to seek help.

Our clients can share their journey to becoming debt free or support us in our policy and campaigning work.

We regularly see first hand how talking about financial problems breaks down stigma and leads directly to positive change.

Sign me up now

Your experience, in your own words

Want to share your story? We want to hear from you!

We can help you do it in a way that works for you, whether that means:

  • A selfie and a quote for our social media channels
  • Contributing to some of our policy research
  • Speaking to politicians or people in the financial industry at an event
  • Spreading the message about StepChange far and wide via TV, radio or a piece in a newspaper

It is your choice – and however you want to be involved, we make sure you are empowered throughout.

You are in control

It takes courage to talk about debt. You do not need to worry about your privacy or the security of your information too.

That is why we promise never to share your story or details without your permission.

Read our privacy notice for more on how we protect your information.


Interested? Let's talk

Fill out the form below if:

  • You want to share your story
  • You want to know how it works
  • You want to know what is in it for you

Together, we can end debt stigma for good.


Spreading the word in the media

David on the BBC

David hosted BBC News at his home in Southend to discuss the cost of living crisis.

Our client, Courtney

Courtney talked about StepChange in The Sun and surged visits to our website.

BBC Radio 4 You and Yours

Natalie told BBC Radio 4 listeners about speaking to StepChange for help with her mortgage payments.

Chloe on ITV Tonight

Chloe appeared on the ITV Tonight programme to share her experiences of Buy Now Pay Later schemes

Lived experience and policy making

Steve at StepChange Connected, our industry event

Equity Release client Steve talking about his experiences at an industry event in Leeds.

Katherine at the UK Finance roundtable


DMP client Katherine talking about economic abuse at a UK Finance roundtable.

Hear directly from our clients- in their own words

Alannah, a pregnant women holds belly and looks into distance.