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As the UK’s leading debt charity, our 30 years of experience give us rich insight and expertise that we willingly share to analyse debt and the harm it causes, and work on solutions to address it.
Our press office can help journalists with information and comment, arrange briefings or interviews with our experts, and help facilitate case study requests with introductions to some of our clients who are willing to share their experience in the media.
Coinciding with Debt Awareness Week, StepChange Debt Charity is this week revealing its new five-year organisational strategy, which will see it evolve across multiple fronts. The strategy is being launched at a Parliamentary event on 26 March and reflects a year of working with stakeholders and service users to define a clear theory of change and identify how best to progress the charity’s vision of a society free from problem debt.Read the press release
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Richard Lane, Chief Client Officer, writes: "Today marks the start of Debt Awareness Week, StepChange’s annual campaign to raise awareness of problem debt and the support available. Every year, we shine a light on the reality of financial difficulty and encourage people to seek the help they need. This year, we’re focusing on stigma — and how it stops so many people from reaching out for support."
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Our expert insights and industry leading specialists break down the biggest consumer credit issues today.
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Working with ministers in Westminster and Hollyrood on policy briefings, events and constituency debt trends.
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Our clients help us campaign for change and encourage other people who are struggling with debt to get help. Ask how our media client volunteers can help you.
"I live with a range of different long-term health conditions, which means that for a while I was reliant on ESA and PIP for my income. Things were tight and I was being underpaid due to an error, and therefore I had to appeal this to be able to get my full entitlement."
Read Alannah's story
These stories show that debt can happen to anyone, and the reasons for it are varied.
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We have more than 250 articles on the different types of debt, creditor action, budgeting, and ways to help you understand debt, including:
We have helped millions of people since 1993.
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"StepChange helped me a lot...every month I used to stress because I knew I would have nothing left over to my name. Now I only give the amount I can really afford to my creditors. BIG THANKS TO STEPCHANGE."
Mohammed, Feefo Review