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mum at the table with bills

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Legal advice about debts

The people you owe could take court action if you have outstanding debts. You may need legal advice to protect yourself.

We can help you with most common legal processes like:

But some legal issues may need help from another agency. We will let you know who and how to contact them.

Issues you might need specialist advice on include:

  • Complex benefit
  • Divorce
  • Employment
  • Immigration

Housing Advice

As a specialist debt advice charity we can advise on:

  • Dealing with rent or mortgage arrears
  • Including court action taken to collect arrears

Shelter can help with other housing issues.

They are more experienced and better placed to give you expert help.

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Money worries?

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Who can help with other legal issues?

Some legal advice can be provided by other free advice agencies or charities.

Other issues may need advice from a solicitor.

For example if:

  • You need someone to represent you in a court case or
  • You need someone to help you make a court claim against someone else

Is a bailiff or enforcement agent not treating you fairly or harassing you?

Find out how to make complaints about bailiffs.

What is legal aid?

‘Legal aid’ is help with the costs of legal advice.

It is available to people on a low income for some types of legal advice.

You can not longer get it for a lot of cases about:

  • Debt
  • Housing
  • Employment
  • Benefits

This means you may have to pay for a solicitor if your case is complex.

Very few people we speak to need this type of help.

We can deal with most legal issues you face in debt. And if we cannot, another free debt advice organisation can.

Contact us if you think you need legal help with debts.