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Employment and studying when you are in debt

Being in full time work or education is rewarding. But it also puts strain on various areas of your life.

Worrying about debt can make the pressures of work or studying worse.

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How does debt affect my performance at work?

Many people struggle to sleep at night because they are worried about debts.

This can lead to issues at work like:

  • Being irritable with colleagues
  • Making errors
  • Being late or forgetful

You may worry about your performance or that you might lose your job. It can be harder if you are raising a family or caring for a loved one.

Trying to pay off debt by working long hours can leave you even more tired and stressed.

Who can I talk to if worry about debt affecting my job?

Your employer can help you if they know what you are dealing with.

Talk to someone senior that you trust like your line manager.

You can also talk to your HR department in confidence.

There is a strong link between debt and stress. Worrying about money can have an impact on your mental health.

Read our guides to money and mental health.

Can debt prevent me from getting a job?

Some jobs may be affected by going bankrupt or having a debt solution.

Discuss your options with your HR department. Or you could check with your union, if you are a member.

How can debt affect my studies?

It is a lot harder to study when you are thinking about debt.

Some banks offer student overdrafts. These can seem helpful at first, but they are hard to pay off on a student income.

What help can I get as a student in debt?

Many people first learn about debt while managing their own finances as a student.

You get help and support by:

You can also use our online advice tool for free, impartial advice.