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Need help making a budget?

Come to us for advice and we'll work out your budget for you.

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Making a budget

Budgeting advice. Why you need to budget

A budget is a list of all the money you have coming in and going out each month. Making a budget is the first step towards taking control of your finances – to help you stay or get back on track.

Budgeting helps you because you can:

  • See where your money is going
  • Make sure everything you need is covered
  • Spot where you can spend less

Watch our video about making a budget

Five reasons why budgeting matters


  1. You feel more in control of your money: You will know exactly what is happening with your income and spending. This can help you head off any problems you run into
  2. You can turn negatives into positives: You will spot ways to put aside extra money each month, instead of never having anything left over. This gives you more options to deal with debt problems if they come up
  3. You can manage the unexpected: We always recommend you try to put a bit aside each month. No-one plans for their car to break down...but you can plan how to pay for repairs
  4. You can achieve goals: This is all about living comfortably and means budgeting to cover hobbies and interests that make you happy
  5. You are clear about what you can and cannot afford: Use your budget to show the people you owe what you can really afford to pay them, so you are not pressured to pay more

When you come to us for debt advice, we will work out a budget with you. And you can get started by filling out our ‘income and expenditure statement’.

couple at their coffee table

Need help making a budget?

Come to us we'll work out your budget for you.

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3 steps to building a budget that works

When you come to us for debt advice, we will work out a budget with you. And you can get started by filling out our ‘income and expenditure statement’.

Step 1. Work out your total income

Add together all the income you get each month. This means your:

  • Wages
  • Benefits
  • Pensions

Add the amounts you get in your pocket, after tax has been taken out.

You can check what you get in your bank statements or any letters you have.

How do I make this into a monthly income?

I am paid weekly:

  • Multiply it by 52
  • Then divide it by 12

So, if you are paid £500 a week.

  • This would be: 500 x 52 = 26,000
  • Then 26,000 ÷ 12
  • That works out as £2,167 per month

I get different wages each month:

If you have all your monthly income for the last year:

  • Add it all together
  • Then divide it by 12

If you only have the last three months:

  • Add these three months together
  • Then times by four
  • And divide that by 12

Step 2. Make a list of everything you spend each month

1. Start with your most important bills

These are the things you must spend money on. Such as:

  • Mortgage or rent
  • Council tax
  • Gas, electricity and water

These are your 'priority bills'. Find out more about what bills to pay first.

2. Next, write down what you usually spend on living costs

These are things like:

  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Toiletries

Look through recent bank statements. Round them up to make sure you are being fair about what you need to spend. It may help to write down everything you buy over a month.

3. You need to include things you pay for less often

These are things like:

  • Christmas
  • Birthdays
  • Holidays
  • Car repairs
  • Vet's bills

To work out how much you need to put aside each month to cover all of these:

  • Add the cost for all these together – to get a total for the year
  • Divide that total by 12 to get a monthly cost

Step 3: Take away what you spend from your income

  • Any money left after everything is paid for is called a ‘budget surplus’
  • If you spend more than you have coming in you have a 'budget deficit'
couple at their coffee table

Need help making a budget?

Come to us we'll work out your budget for you.

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