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mum at the table with bills

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Unemployment, job loss and reduced hours

Many people get trapped in debt after losing their job. This can make an already stressful situation even harder.

Unemployment can happen to anyone.

It is hard to deal with things like unsecured debt when you have a reduced income.

We can give you the support and information you need to get you back on track.

Asking for help can be hard.

Are debts causing you stress? Do you feel you never have the time?

Whatever the barrier, let’s deal with it together.

Find out more here.

Unemployed and need help with debt?

Money worries?

Find out how we can help you.

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Why are unemployment and debt problems linked?

We rely on our jobs for money to survive. Unemployment means less money coming in.

This makes living costs harder to deal with. Unsecured debt makes it even worse.

This can leave people feeling financially trapped.

Prioritise your living expenses until things improve.

What can I do to help my finances?

Build a budget and start dealing with debts as soon as possible.

You should also:

1. Talk to the people you owe

  • Explain what happened
  • Tell them you are struggling to make payments

2. See if you can apply for Breathing Space

  • You can only do this if you get debt advice
  • It gives you time and space to deal with your debts

3. Avoid taking out more loans

4. Stop using credit cards or adding to credit card debt

5. Try not to increase your overdraft

  • Many people do this between jobs
  • Overdrafts are hard to get out of
  • Even when you are back in work

6. Talk to your bank

7. Avoid taking out any debt consolidation loans

8. Avoid taking out any loans secured against your home

We also suggest you:

  • Use our benefits checker to see if there are any benefits you are entitled to
  • Tell your mortgage provider aware that you are not working
  • You may qualify for government assistance
  • Talk to Jobcentre Plus about claiming benefits for rent and council tax

You are not alone - we can help

There are millions of people in the UK struggling with debts.

There is no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed.

Get free, expert debt help and advice from us to find a way out of debt.

Use our online advice tool to get the best help for you.