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Court action in Northern Ireland to collect debt

The people you owe can take legal or court action against you if you do not pay. This is done as a last resort.

Most types of unsecured debt are dealt with through the County Court.

Unsecured debt includes things like:

  • Credit cards
  • Personal loans
  • Store cards

The people you owe may use the County Court's small claim process if your debt is less than £3,000.

Debts over £30,000 or mortgage proceedings are usually dealt with in the High Court.

Civil bills and County Court judgments

The people you owe issue a civil bill if they want to get a County Court judgment (CCJ) against you. The bill shows the amount owed and reason for the claim.

Once you have a bill, you need to respond quickly by:

  • Paying in full, or
  • Contacting the people you owe and arranging time to pay

What happens if I cannot pay?

The people you owe can pass the CCJ onto the Enforcement of Judgement Office (EJO) if you do nothing.

The EJO has several ways to collect the money and additional charges are added to your debt.

Get expert help and advice if you are finding it hard to pay the CCJ.

In this section:

  1. The Enforcement of Judgments Office
  2. Small claims court
  3. County Court judgments