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Managing a DMP

What happens on a debt management plan (DMP)?

A DMP provider sets up your DMP. They work out what you can afford to pay and tell you if a DMP is right for you. They then contact the people you owe to explain what you are going through, and to confirm how much you will pay.

You need to send your debt management plan provider a payment each month. They use this to pay the people you owe on your behalf.

Your provider will talk to the people you owe about lowering your payments. You do not have to.

As a charity we offer free debt management plans, but some providers charge for them.

  • These companies take a cut of your DMP payment in fees
  • This means it takes longer to pay off your debt
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Considering a DMP?

We can help with free, impartial debt advice online now.

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Things to consider while on a DMP

When your DMP starts, remember that:

  • You must stick to your agreed budget
  • You must review your budget with your provider at least once a year. They will contact you to arrange this
  • You need to contact your provider if you get a cash windfall to talk about how to use it
  • You make lower payments to your debts, so your DMP affects your credit rating
  • Interest and charges may still be added to what you owe
  • A DMP does not protect you from further court action
  • The people you owe can still contact you

The people you owe are required to send you an annual summary statement of repayments.

This is a Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulation.

Is a DMP right for you?

Use our free online advice tool to find out if a DMP is right for you.