Keep a spending diary
A spending diary can not only help you track what you spend each day, but help you to think back about how you were feeling at the time you spent more than you meant to - and spot patterns you need to break.
Boredom might give you the urge to go shopping during your lunch break. You can avoid this happening by reading a book, playing a game, or listening to a podcast instead.
Use cashback and loyalty points instead of spending more
Do you use cashback websites? You may have some available credit on your account that you can trade in for cash. If possible, try trading the cashback in for a specific retailer or chain. This'll often give your cashback an extra boost.
Do you have a card where you collect points while shopping? Now's the time to see if you can use these points to reduce your food shopping or other living costs.
Plan your meals until payday
Take a look at what food you currently have in the cupboard and freezer. How many meals can you make out of this food? Would buying some cheap staples such as pasta and rice make these ingredients stretch further?