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i England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Getting a DRO

How do I apply for a debt relief order?

You can get a debt relief order (DRO) through one of the organisations approved by the Insolvency Service.

What is a DRO?

A debt relief order (DRO) is a debt solution that helps people on a low income. You can only get one through an organisation approved by the Insolvency Service.

A DRO is a type of insolvency suitable for people who:

  • Are on a low income
  • Cannot pay back their debts
  • Are homeowners
  • Have few assets
  • Have unsecured debts of less than £50,000 (£20,000 in Northern Ireland)
  • Live in England, Wales or Northern Ireland

Organisations that can submit a debt relief order are called ‘competent authorities’.

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Is a DRO right for you?

We can help with free, impartial debt advice online now.

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How much does a DRO cost?

There is no fee to apply for a DRO.

Is a DRO right for me?

Use our online debt advice tool to find out if a DRO is right for you.