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i England, Wales and Northern Ireland

What is a DRO

DRO. Which debts are not included in a debt relief order?

A debt relief order (DRO) is a debt solution for people who are not home owners, are on a low income, have few assets and debts less than £50,000 (or £20,000 in Northern Ireland).

Your debts are written off after 12 months if your financial situation does not improve. This is the ‘moratorium period’.

Not all debts can be included in a debt relief order. You must keep paying these.

Debts excluded from a debt relief order

These types of debt cannot be included in a DRO:

  • All student loans (old and new styles)
  • Debts to the Child Maintenance Service
  • Social fund loans
  • Criminal fines (including debt incurred under the Proceeds of Crime Act)
  • Claims against you for damage or personal injury
  • TV Licence arrears

Debts from fraud, like fraudulent benefit claims, are not written off at the end of the DRO. But, they do count towards the maximum debt limit.

Most other debts can be included in a DRO.

Is a debt relief order right for you?

Our confidential, online debt advice service can find the best options for your situation.

There may be better solutions for you than a DRO. We can help you find the right one for you.

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Considering a DRO?

We can help with free, impartial debt advice online now.

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