I got a notice of enforcement - what is it?
A notice of enforcement tells you that a warrant of control was issued.
It also gives you:
- A date from which the bailiff (or enforcement officer) will visit you
- At least seven days notice before they can visit
Can bailiffs force entry with a warrant of control?
No, a warrant of control does not let bailiffs force entry.
Bailiffs can technically apply for a separate warrant to force entry for CCJs, but only if:
- The judgment is to do with a business address, or
- You moved controlled goods to another place to stop them being taken
Find out more about what bailiffs can do.
What can bailiffs take with a warrant of control?
Bailiffs look for things they can sell to pay back your debt.
They are only allowed to take things that:
- They have access to
- They can remove
- They can physically touch
They cannot take:
- Medical or care equipment
- Basic household items like:
- A cooker
- A fridge
- Your only phone
- Beds
- Things they see through your window or letterbox unless:
- You signed a virtual controlled goods agreement
- This is only for rare vulnerabilities
Read what else bailiffs can take