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i Scotland only

Diligence. What is it and what are my rights?

The people you owe can take action to recover a debt after court action. This is called 'diligence' in Scotland.

The process is different in England, Wales or Northern Ireland.

Diligence may be a sign you need help with your debts. Find out more about Scotland debt advice.

When can the people I owe use diligence?

The people you owe can start diligence when:

  • The sheriff court issues a decision/decree ordering you to pay the full debt
  • You do not keep up with payments to a ‘time to pay direction’, which lets you pay in instalments
  • The sheriff court issues a summary warrant for debts such as council tax or tax debts owed to HM Revenue & Customs

You should get a ‘Charge to Pay’ or a ‘Charge for Payment’ before diligence starts.

What is a charge to pay or charge for payment?

The people you owe must send you a  Charge to Pay or Charge for Payment to start diligence.

  • Charge to Pay is for debts up to £5,000
  • Charge for Payment is for debts of £5,000 or more

These tend to be delivered in person by a sheriff officer.

  • It gives you 14 days to pay the debt before the people you owe can take further action
  • The people you owe can begin diligence if you do not pay
  • They could also begin bankruptcy proceedings if you owe more than £3,000

The people you owe may send you a copy of the Accountant in Bankruptcy Debt Advice and Information Package booklet.

This explains:

  • What actions they can take to collect a debt
  • Which organisations can help you

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What actions can the people I owe take using diligence?

There are many ways to collect an unpaid decision/decree or summary warrant.

The people you owe use whatever they think will get their money back. They may use more than one method.

Earnings arrestment

  • This orders your employer to take off a percentage of your wages to pay to the debt

Bank arrestment

  • This freezes money in your bank account
  • The people you owe can apply for a ‘furthcoming’ if you do not pay
  • A furthcoming orders your bank to hand over the money
  • Not all of the money in your account is frozen
  • The bank releases your account back to you if the people you owe do not apply for a furthcoming within 14 weeks

Inhibition order

  • This stops you selling your home until you pay the debt
  • The debt needs to be paid from the sale of your house if you move

Attachment (Goods outside home)

  • This lets sheriff officers take goods you own
  • They can sell these goods if you do not pay
  • It only applies to goods kept outside your home, like a car
  • Some goods cannot be taken by sheriff officers, like tools (up to the value of £1,000) needed to do your job, or a car that is reasonably required and worth under £3,000

Money attachment

  • This is similar to an attachment
  • It applies to cash or cheques you keep outside your home
  • It is usually used for business debts

Exceptional attachment order

  • This is similar to an attachment
  • It allows sheriff officers to take goods from inside your home
  • The people you owe need permission from the sheriff court to do this
  • This action should only be used as a last resort
  • Some essential household goods are protected and cannot be taken
  • You can apply to the court to have some attached goods released

Free help and support

Contact us for free if:

  • You get any court paperwork
  • You have a Charge to Pay or Charge for Payment
  • You think diligence has started

We can give you the expert advice you need to get back on track.

Free multilingual debt guide

Download our free guide to dealing with money worries.

Our guide to  debt in Scotland covers:

  • The debt collection processes
  • Where to get help
  • Budgeting
  • What to expect from a debt advice session

Available to download in:

  • English
  • Urdu
  • Punjabi
  • Polish

Find out more.