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How debt could affect your job

People worry that debt advice or debt solutions can affect their job. People often do not want their employer finding out about their debt.

Our service is confidential. This means we never tell anyone that you contacted us.

Some debt solutions can affect jobs that handle other people's money, like jobs in law or financial services.

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Could debt advice harm your job? 

Most lines of work are not affected by debt or debt solutions.

Talk to your HR department, or get independent advice from your trade union representative, if you are worried.

They can:

  • Look at your employment contract
  • Tell you if reduced payments or a debt solution could affect your job

Your HR department should treat your enquiry confidentially. This means you can find out where you stand without it impacting your job.

Will a debt solution impact my credit rating?

Not many jobs require a perfect credit rating.

Your employer is unlikely to perform a credit check unless you work in finance, like:

  • Banking
  • Accountancy

Can a debt solution hurt my job?

Bankruptcy can affect your job if you are certain lines of work.

Less formal solutions like a debt management plan should not affect your job.

Check how a solution like bankruptcy might affect your job if you work in one of these roles:

  • Charity trustee
  • Company director
  • Insolvency practitioner
  • Solicitor
  • Estate agent
  • Consumer credit licence holder

Lost your job? Find out what you can do next

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