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mum at the table with bills

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Debt and your health

Health problems are a common reason people fall into debt. And debt itself can have a huge impact on your health.

Being ill or looking after someone who is ill can mean having less money coming in.

This makes it harder to pay bills and debts. Talk to someone you trust if debt is affecting your physical or mental health.

What should I do if my health changes and I owe money?

There are a number of things you can do if your health changes and you are worried about money.

1. Check what help you can apply for

Use our online benefits checker or speak to your local council.

You may now be able to claim:

2. Get additional support

A government mortgage scheme may be able to help if you own your home.

Do you have payment protection on your debts?

See if you can make a claim based on illness.

Debt can also seriously affect your mental health leading to increased depression or anxiety.

Do you know about Mental Health Breathing Space?

Complete a 'debt and mental health evidence form' (DMHEF) with your health or social care worker.

I think my health is being affected by debt – what can I do?

Use our online advice tool to find the right help for you.