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The Agenda: StepChange Connected 2024



09:30 Registration: Coffee & Pastries.


10:00 Welcome and housekeeping.

Richard Lane, Chief Client Officer, StepChange Debt Charity


John McMahon, Vice President of Global Sales, C&R Software

10:10 Lesley Titcomb, CBE.
Comments from Chair of Trustees.

Lesley Titcomb, Chair of Trustees, StepChange Debt Charity

10:25 Clients in conversation. The lasting impact of debt.

A panel discussion with StepChange clients.

Liz Harding, StepChange Trustee


Vanessa Northam, Head of Charity Development, StepChange Debt Charity


2 former StepChange clients

10:55 CEO keynote: Vikki Brownridge.

Vikki Brownridge, Chief Executive Officer, StepChange Debt Charity

11:25 Break: Refreshments


11:40 The view from the regulators. Is the cost-of-living crisis behind us and what comes next?

Peter Tutton, Head of Policy Research and Public Affairs, StepChange Debt Charity (Chair)


Jonathan Phelan, Consumer Finance Head of Department, FCA


Jemma Baker, Deputy Director, Consumer Protection & Retail Markets, Ofgem


Andrew Lincoln, Customer Policy Lead, Ofwat

12.20 Keynote guest speaker: Abby Thomas.

Abby Thomas, Chief Executive and Chief Ombudsman, Financial Ombudsman Service

12:35 Looking ahead. Developing StepChange's vision for 2025 - 2030.

Gail Arkle, Chief Growth Officer, StepChange Debt Charity

13:00 Lunch


13:45 Digital Transformation: Delivering an improved experience for clients and partners at every stage of their journey.

Vikki Brownridge, Chief Executive Officer, StepChange Debt Charity

Charlotte Chambers, Chief Digital Officer, StepChange Debt Charity

14:30 Keynote guest speaker: Nikhil Rathi.

Nikhil Rathi, Chief Executive, FCA

15:15 Break: Refreshments


15:30 Gen Z and their money. New ways of lending, spending and engaging.

Kimberley Robinson, Social Media Lead, StepChange Debt Charity


Leon Ward, Chief Executive, MyBnk


Rachel Harris, Founder & Director, AccountantShe


Lindsey Appleyard, Professor, University of Coventry

16:00 Closing comments from Vikki Brownridge.

Vikki Brownridge, Chief Executive Officer, StepChange Debt Charity

16:15-19:00 Canapes and drinks reception.

Kindly provided by our event sponsors, C&R Software