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Couple smiling at each other at home

We help you deal with debt in a manageable way

What we do

We help thousands of people become debt free every year. Our team of experts offer free, flexible debt advice to anyone who needs it.

We have spent the last thirty years:

  • Helping people take control of their finances
  • Giving practical help
  • Supporting clients for as long as they need

We have more than

30 years

of experience

In 2024 we helped


clients become debt free

In 2024, our clients repaid

£367 million

to their debts

Read our impact report

Debt happens. Let's deal with it.

Debt Happens. Let's Deal With It.  A hand holding a coin beside the text.

Debt gets treated like a dirty word.

But what if together we clear up the stigma?

What if we stop avoiding the subject and shine a light on what it's really like?

Debt's a part of life, pretending it doesn't exist, won't make it disappear.

But admitting when it's a problem is a step in the right direction.

We know because we've been here for thirty years and we'll continue to be.

StepChange is a not-for-profit independent charity.

Putting people first is what we do.

So we offer free, and impartial advice for anyone worried about debt.

No matter who you are or how you're feeling, we can help you take action.

Debt happens. Let's deal with it.

Visit stepchange.org

Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Female debt advisor sat at computer smiling.

Help us make a difference

We are always looking for talented people to join our team.

  • Take a look at our latest job openings or
  • Find out more about working with us

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Our advice process

We follow a simple, three-step process to deal with debts:

  1. We work out your budget by looking at:
    • Your income
    • Your spending
    • Your debts
  2. We find a way to manage your debts that:
    • Is affordable
    • Suits your situation
  3. We set up your debt solution
    • And offer support whenever you need it

How we are funded

Most of our funding comes from voluntary donations by creditors, including:

  • Banks
  • The government
  • Loan companies

This support keeps us helping thousands of people every week by:

  • Campaigning to prevent problem debt
  • Training our advisors
  • Offering expert advice
  • Managing repayment plans
  • Supporting people through a process to become debt free

This is only possible thanks to the donations we receive.

Our promise to clients

  • We tell you about every debt solution available to you
  • We support you with any debt solution that could help you
  • We recommend solutions when you can afford to repay your debt within 10 years
  • We recommend an insolvency option if you cannot pay your debt in 10 years
  • You can choose the solution that best meets your needs